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This section will be used to update you on classmates:
After graduation, I attended Enid Business College and graduated in June, 1961 with a Secretarial Degree. I worked as an office secretary for many years until deciding to be a stay at home Mom.
Gary and I were married in October of 1961 and were blessed with two wonderful sons, Timothy in 1964 and Michael in 1968. As parents, we did the typical things during their growing up years, baseball, music lessons, cub scouts, band parents, etc. Since we never left Enid, both sons graduated from EHS. Our oldest, Timothy, is currently working in Civil Service and has completed his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Science. He is the father of our two grandsons and grandfather of our 3 precious great -grandchildren. Our youngest, Michael, completed his Bachelor of Music Education degree in 1991, Masters of Music degree in 1993 and Doctor of Musical Arts degree in 2001. In 2009 he completed his Associates degree in Applied Science with a Network Engineering option and is currently working in the IT field. He is still loving his music and performing as Principal Horn for the Enid Symphony.
After 32 years as Director of Materiels Management at Integris Bass Memorial Baptist Hospital, Gary retired in 2002. He has enjoyed being home and working in the yard. We also decided to take Country and Western dance lessons and eventually did some teaching. As for me, I have enjoyed participating in my church activities over the years, teaching children’s choirs, singing in the Praisinger’s Sanctuary Choir, playing in the Praisringer’s Handbell Choir and helping coordinate our annual Christmas pageant.
Gary and I will be married 62 years in October, 2023. The years have gone by so quickly but I am grateful to the Lord for his blessing on my life. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our 63rd reunion and renewing old friendships. See you in September.
After graduation and summer vacation, I worked in the Enid High School Activity Office as a secretary for Charles Lynch. Later I went to work on the accounts at Herzbergs Department Store as the book keeper.
In May of 1961, James and I were married. I worked in Enid while he was finishing college at Oklahoma State University (OSU). Following graduation in 1962, we moved to Waco Texas where he entered the Air Force as a 2nd Lt. and completed flight training. I spent 29 years as an Air Force wife and made 18 moves and lived in places from coast (CA) to coast (FL), and North (AK) to South (TX). We are blessed with two wonderful children, Eric (EHS 1984, OSU 1990, Masters from Colorado State 2002) and Jayme (Randolph AFB, TX 1989, OSU 1993, Oklahoma University 1998). As a mom, I did the typical things, attended football games, school chorus and band events.
Our son Eric attended OSU where he obtained an Architectural Engineering Degree. He has his own business (Wishing Rock Homes) in Boerne TX. He and Margie are the parents of our grandson Ethan. Our youngest, Jayme, completed her bachelors degree at Oklahoma State. She also attended the Oklahoma University Para Legal school and works as a Certified Legal Assistant for a local law firm. Jayme and her husband Shyler live in Enid.
After 29 years of moving around with the Air Force, James retired in 1991. We returned to Enid where he went to work at Vance AFB as a contract flight simulator instructor pilot. Since that time I have been actively involved with the Class of 1960 reunion committee. Many of you might remember my twin sister Karen. She passed away in 2000. She was a wonderful sister. Many of you knew my mom Bing Erickson. She passed away October 27, 2019 at 99 years and 9 months. It has been great visiting with many classmates. Hope to see many of you in September!
Traynor Lang, Jovita