
McCoy, Bob

McCoy, Bob '60BOB MCCOY

Four weeks following our 1960 graduation, I reported to the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY where I spent four very
challenging but rewarding years. I graduated with the Class of 1964, was commissioned in the Field Artillery and then attended both the Army’s Airborne and Ranger Schools at Ft. Benning, GA. That experience was followed with
interesting tours of duty in Germany, Vietnam and Ft. Sill, OK. I
resigned my commission in 1969, having attained the rank of Captain and
having been awarded medals for valor and meritorious service. I
enjoyed my military service immensely but in the end left to attend law
school and pursue a legal career. I used my GI Bill benefits to attend the University of Michigan Law School where I graduated Magna Cum Laude and Order of the Coif in 1972.  Watching Michigan beat Ohio State in Ann Arbor in the “Big House” was truly something to see. After graduating from Michigan, I returned to Oklahoma to join the Tulsa law firm of Conner & Winters where I practiced until 1988, primarily as a corporate and business transaction lawyer. I left the firm to take a senior legal
position with The Williams Companies, Inc., a large energy company based
in Tulsa. Williams treated me well, allowing me to attend the Stanford
Executive Program in Palo Alto in 1995 and to serve in several senior
leadership positions for it and its subsidiaries before I retired in 2002. I then rejoined my old law firm as “of counsel,” practicing full time for several years and also volunteering as an Adjunct Settlement Judge for the federal court system. Today, I am still affiliated with the firm, but I am no longer actively practicing law. I married Nancy Shannon, EHS Class of 1959, shortly after my West Point graduation. Our marriage resulted in a daughter, Colleen, who lives in Denver with her family which includes husband, James, and children, Naomi, James II, and Juliet. Colleen also is a lawyer and focuses her practice in the area of domestic relations. Nancy and I divorced in 1983, and I am sad to report she died in 2022. In 1987, I
married Judi, a Tulsa lawyer, and we were happily married and enjoyed an active life together until her death in 2014. Today, I live happily with Marsha Lee Maxwell, my life partner and a 1967 EHS graduate. Marsha and I still enjoy relatively good health which allows us to travel often and enjoy our families and friends. While I have slowed significantly, I work to stay fit and active. I still ski (mainly with grandkids), fly fish (mainly with my son in law), golf (from the forward tees and not very well) and take long rides on my bicycle with my cycling buddies. I also have stayed close to West Point. Marsha and I especially enjoy returning in the fall for Army football weekends coupled with outings to NYC. As the shadows grow longer, I am mindful of how fortunate we are to have grown up in Enid, and attend EHS. I look forward to seeing everyone at our reunion. Bob F McCoy  


McCoy, Bob '10


Stogner Gaines, Nancy

Stogner-Gaines, Nancy '60NANCY STOGNER GAINES

I have enjoyed reading the bios of our classmates. Wish there were more posted, but who am I to complain, I’m just now sending mine in!! After graduation, I attended OSU, became a member of Alpha Chi Omega and
majored in business. I met my first husband, Mickey Coley. After our sophomore year, we transferred to Oklahoma City University. I obtained my BS in Business Education. We married in 1963.From 1964 to 1968, I was a business education teacher at Northwest Classen High School in Oklahoma City and attending law school at night, carrying about 10 hours a semester. After a couple of years of this, I decided I was not really cut out to be a classroom teacher. I decided to continue with the law studies, not ever considering a law practice (how life changes) In 1969 I obtained my J.D. in Law at OCU and surprising to me, passed the Bar Exam. So there I was, a full-fledged attorney!!

In 1970, our son, David Coley was born. In 1973, Mickey and I divorced. In 1973 I went to work for the Commissioners of the Land Office (School Land Commission) as a title examiner and stayed with the Land Office until 1977 when I was offered a position to open a real estate closing office in Edmond, OK as an attorney on staff.  A new challenge, but also new

I met Paul Gaines and we married in 1977.  Paul worked for U.S. Senator
David Boren in the OKC office and I continued to build the closing
company. Later, he accepted a position with Kerr McGee and stayed with
that company until 1998 when he retired. I continued my work.  I did a lot
of title examinations over my lifetime and some private practice in real
estate and probate … never was a good courthouse lawyer!! I finally
retired in 2003 and thoroughly enjoy retirement.

Our combined families include David, partner with Ernst and Young in
Dallas, wife Laura and granddaughters Lexi (13) and A.J. (9); Paul’s boys,
Gore, attorney in Oklahoma City, wife Julie, grandkids, Casey Beth (9) and
Colby (5); Torrey, high school principal in Konawa Ok, wife Shannon,
grandkids, Kathryn (13), Hannah (12) and Luke (9); Tim, work consultant in Shawnee, OK, wife Melanie, grandkids, Audrey (5) and Grey (2)

My life has been full of a few stressful ups and downs, but overall, I’m not complaining.  We are active in our church activities, I, in my Investment Club, enjoy genealogy research, especially surprising when I discovered that Paul and I are 4th cousins! The older grandkids think it is “awesome” to be 6th cousins by blood and 1st cousins by marriage. Paul enjoys writing short stories and fiction and is in a writer’s group. We are happy..

Stogner-Gaines, Nancy '10

Moore, B. Keith

Moore, Keith '60B. KEITH MOORE

Biographical sketch: B. Keith Moore since May 1960

Attended Phillips University, 1960-1964, BA degree May 1964 with majors in physics and mathematics

Attended University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign IL 1964-1971. MS degree in physics 1966, PhD degree in Materials Science 1971.

National Institutes for Health, National Institute for Dental Research Fellow, Northwestern University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Biological Materials, 1971.

Instructor, Department of Biological Materials, Northwestern University Dental School

Assistant Professor Department of Biological Materials, Northwestern University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry 1973. Chief Scientist, Division of Biophysics, American Dental Association Research Institute,  1973-1977. Associate Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Indiana University School of Dentistry, 1977-1986. Professor of Dental Materials, Indiana University School of Dentistry, 1986-2007.  Professor Emeritus  of Dental Materials, Indiana University School of Dentistry, 2007-present.

Married Diana Ruth Henry from Peoria IL June 24, 1967 and still married after 43 years!

One adopted daughter Donna, 1983.

Hobbies: woodworking: construction, cabinet making, fine furniture. Active volunteer with Habitat for Humanity (member of Tiger Team devoting at least a day/week to some phase of home construction).

Member of Allisonville Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) and sing bass/baritone with Chancel Choir.

Volunteer of committees at Indiana University School of Dentistry and serve on post graduate dental student research committees.

Contributor to current dental textbooks and scientific reviewer for numerous dental journals.

Consultant to a Dental Testing Laboratory performing product evaluations for dental companies. Moore, Keith '10


Harbaugh, Hank

Harbaugh, Hank '60HANK HARBAUGH

In years past, people heading to a 50th reunion all looked and acted real old.  Anymore, not so much!  But hasn’t the time flown by?
About 40 years ago, Nancy, my wife, and I completed a military obligation and came to Tulsa with our two sons.   I joined a great lawfirm and was there for 27 years, working many of those years with classmate Bob McCoy.  Since then I have worked almost entirely for one family, being involved with their real estate and oil and gas holdings, and their financial investments.  Recently, a new golf course, The Patriot, has opened on a portion of their nearby ranch which is becoming Stone Canyon, a new residential  development near Owasso.  See and  Please let me know if you would like to play a round sometime.
Nancy and I have four grandsons, ages 17 to 5.  The oldest has lived with us for several years and presently is a junior attending a prep school in MA.  The younger three live with their parents in Stone Canyon.  Nancy has been learning much about body movement for health and rehabilitation, is a certified trainer in Feldenkrais Method, and is continuing to take courses in the Bones for Life program.  She will be sure that I continue to move properly in old age!
My younger sis, Ann Reding, has been principal at Taft Elementary in Enid for nearly 20 years.  We both attended school at Taft, and before that attended Miss Lucy’s Kindergarten on S. VanBuren with many of our EHS classmates.  Our mom, Dorothy, who taught for many years at Taft and Hayes, just turned 99 and is thoroughly enjoying life at Golden Oaks Village.
Sincere thanks to Sharon and Jovita and their committee for making all reunion arrangements.


Batchelor Landrith, Judy

Batchelor-Landrith, Judy '60JUDY BATCHELOR LANDRITH 

Married Larry Landrith August 1960… attended OSU’ one year Business… Daughter Jody Kaye, born 1961 Stillwater, OK… Attended & Graduated from: BEETCH’S BEAUTY ACADEMY, Enid, OK. 1963… Betty’s mother Vera Riley (‘RIP’) my INSPIRING INSTRUCTOR! Moved to Bakersfield, CA. 1964… Mr. L’ with ‘IRS,’ Bakersfield/LA’ area… Our son Lane Terry born Bakersfield 1964… Enjoyed our five years in CA… The Pacific Ocean, Mountains & of course ‘Disney Land’… Headed to BEAUTIFUL COLORADO 1968… Mr L’ working for Gov @ Air Base… Our home Golden/Arvada Area, just east of N. Table Mt. provided enjoyment for us & our kids… Spent A LOT’ of time enjoying COLORADO!!! Divorced 1988’… At that time working in Denver/Cherry Creek area for: O’B’ ENTERPRISES (Gallop, NM)… first at ‘SHALAKO’ in the Ole’ ‘TIVOLI BUILDING’ down town, then managing their ‘SHALAKO EAST’ on E. 2nd Ave… Then headed for New Mexico… While in Albuquerque, working with ‘SILVER BIRD’ Wholesale-Mfg & Retail… ‘NATIVE AMERICAN ART’… ‘One of my Loves’… Enjoyed touring N.M. & loved their weather! Back to OKLAHOMA, Christmas 1989… Working for ‘CHOCTAW TRADING POST’… Moving to Tulsa area 1991, now working for ‘LYON’S INDIAN STORE’… Few months 1995 working in OKCity area, was approximately 3 1/2 miles from Bombing Site! Headed back to my home on Keystone Lake! Now working for: ‘Mock Bros Saddle Tack & Western Wear’, Sand Springs… Parimutuels at ‘Fair Meadows’, Tulsa… Then ‘Mannford Public Schools’ Aid & Driver, three years W/’Specials’ & ‘ED’… RETIRED 2005’ Love my home on the lake… Catch time now & then to share time W/my brother Bill Vollmer, down on the dock & out on a cruise… 🙂 Must mention ‘I Love My Dog’… ‘Little One’ now is B’, short for B’B IV & Yes’ there is’ a story connected to Her Name! My brother Bill drove me to Muldrow, OK to adopt her last July… Must ADD at this point, I am a ‘BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR’ … surgery Dec ’08 – May ’09 – May ’10… Been a LONG’ journey, but Please Note: NOW’ doing VERY WELL! SORRY, I won’t be able to attend ‘OUR 50TH REUNION’… ‘GOD BLESS’ each of you & our America! Lov’ My Dog’… B’ is ‘My Black Furry Angel’

Judy Batchelor LandrithBatchelder-Landrith '10


Fletcher, Michael

Fletcher, Michael '60MICHAEL FLETCHER

Like many new high school graduates; I was unsure what direction to go.  I had a serious girl friend and worked in my father’ s glass business in Enid and attended Phillips University for a short time.

I did finally find a direction.  Got  married in December of 1964 to Cheryl Suttles (class of 64), joined the Army Reserve, attended EBC and received an associates degree.  We moved to Ponca City in 1967 when I started work for Conoco in the refinery accounting department.  It was a low level job, but  we were happy to have it.

in 1980 Cheryl wa asked to join the staff of newly elected U.S. enator Don Nickles.  She had worked on his campaign the previous year. She served as his State Director and held that position for 20 year until her retirement in 2001.

Meanwhile, I was progressing to various positions with Conoco; Clerical Supervisor, Accounting Supervisor and Maintenance Planing and Control system Administrator.
I retired in 1999 as Senior Financial Analyst reporting to the Refinery Manager and Director of Finance jointly.

Cheryl and I had both looked forward to retirement.  Soon afterward we rented a motorhome and took a memorable vacation  We had bought a 50′ house boat shortly before retirement and enjoyed it for several years on Grand Lake in eastern Oklahoma.  We decided a house at the lake would be less of a headache. Our house is on the shore of the lake with a wonderful view of sunsets. It seems it is under constant remodeling, but we do enjoy projects. We spend as much time there as possible.

Aside from getting older and some health challenges we are enjoying retirement very much.


North, Ronnie

North, Ronnie '60RONNIE NORTH

Dear Class 0f  ’60 members:

I write after much water has run under the bridge these last 50 years for all of us. Enclosed you will find a brief summation of my highlites.
Many of you know my father passed away from a malignancy the summer we graduated from high school.  I stayed in Enid at Phillips University, running our furnature store, and managing to graduate on to OU Medical School in 1963. Some of you might remember our senior play “Our Hearts were Young and Gay”, in which Ed Emmons and I were two medical students on a cruise.  It is interesting that both of us emerged as physicians, Ed becoming an Orthopedist. I chose to stay in Oklahoma City as a General Surgical resident for 5 years, followed by the required two year commitment in the Army at Ft. Bragg, N.C. as a surgeon with the rank of Major. I then accepted a position as a Plastic Surgical Resident in Pittsurgh, PA for two years, followed by a fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the University of Louisville under Dr. Harold Kleinert.  I then returned for a couple of years as a teaching instructor at Pitt, actually performing the first thumb replantation in western Pennsylvania 1977. I elected to turn to private practice in 1978, and moved to Lubbock Texas where I have been since.
I married Carole Fortson in 1964, and we have one offspring, Chuck, now a tenured PhD professor of economics at Baylor. Carole and I divorced after 29 years, and two years later I met and married my current wife, Gail, and inherited one son, Reagan, now a youth minister in Seattle after an undergrad degree from Univ. of North Carolina and a master of Theology from Fuller in Pasadena.
After a couple of years in Lubbock, I took up flying, encouraged by Bob McCoy after our 20th High School reunion.  I had my Twin 58TC Baron for 20 years, opening the doors for many other endeavors.
IN 1985 I was introduced to football officiating, and quit just last year. One highlite was getting assigned a quarter final high school game in Texas Stadium,Dallas, as the referee in 2007.
My knowledge of football rules also led me to a 15 year period of time on Texas Tech Radio as a “Rules of the Game” commentator, traveling to all of the Texas Tech ballgames with the team. Also golf is a hobby, but without much success.


Provost Peak, Connie

Provost-Peak, Connie '60CONNIE PROVOST PEAK

I married my high school sweetheart, Frosty Peak in 1959.  My first job out of high school was at Morgan’s Diamond Shop and then St. Mary’s Hospital in Enid.  After Frosty and I moved to Oklahoma City I worked for United Founder’s Life Insurance Co. and then spent a number of years working for Northwest Otolaryngology (two ear, nose and throat doctors).  I have worked for American Floral Service (AFS) which is now Teleflora (a flowers-by-wire company) for 27 years.  I have been Assistant to the Chairman of Teleflora for the past 25 years.  I obviously don’t do a lot of job hopping!

After 37 years of marriage Frosty and I divorced in 1997, but we have four wonderful children and eight terrific grandchildren.  My oldest daughter, Susan lives in Stamford, CT, my son, Brad lives in OKC, Mickie, my middle daughter lives in Tulsa and Ashlie, my youngest lives in Yukon.  My children have 2 children each – Susan has Luke (15) and Lyric (13); Brad has Zach (17) and Cole (15); Mickie has Caleb (11) and Jacob (7) and Ashlie has Randi (15) and Rachael (8).

I’ve been dating Bill Kerr (also EHS Class of 60) for about 12 years and we both plan to be at the EHS 50th Reunion.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Moore, Carl

Moore, Carl '60CARL E. MOORE

Married to Sue Stranathan 8/27/60
Both went to O.S.U.
Graduated Spring of 1964 Degree in Accounting.
Worked for accounting Firm for 6 months.
Partner with Forest Peak for 1965 to 1966.
Moved to Wichata, Kansas and went to work selling Insurance for the next 12
Moved to Tulsa, Ok and started a construction Business for the next 13 years.
Sept.1, 1991 was hired by Sooner Federal Financial Services Corp. as their
We are presently active in Gas & Oil, Mining, Insurance, Stem Cell Research,
Wind and Solar Technology, Commerical Loaning and Ranching.

Divorced Sue Stranathan in 1978. Carl has now been divorced for the last 10 years. Carl has three sons Christopher Moore who is a Veterinarian in Salt Lake City, Curtis Moore who owns the Moore Insurance selling AAA in Oklahoma City He also went to OSU, and Daniel Moore of Tulsa who works for Capital One and is attending college.


Pemberton, Roger

Pemberton, Roger '60ROGER BOND PEMBERTON




After graduation I went toOklahomaStateUniversitywhere I became a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, pledging with classmates Hank Harbaugh, Gilbert Krout, Jimmy Munger, and Gary Oringderff.   After two years at OSU I transferred to Phillips University in Enid where I graduated in 1965 with a BS in Business Administration.

Upon completion of college I became employed with the Hartford Insurance Group,Oklahoma City,Oklahoma.   I also spent time working at the company’s home office inHartford,Connecticutwhere I obtained a Masters Degree Insurance Principles & Management Techniques.

With the advent of the Viet Nam War I accepted a Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army Medical Service Corps.  While stationed at Fort Sam Houston Texas, I was Aide-de-Camp to Major General Laurence A. Potter and served as Special Escort Officer to General William C. Westmoreland when he visitedBrookeArmyMedicalCenter, Fort Sam Houston, Texas to present awards to wounded veterans of the Viet Nam War.

I volunteered for service in Viet Namand left one week after our 10th High School Reunion, returning a year later.   While I was inViet Nam I saw Gary Oringderff and Mike Robinson (EHS Class of 1962).  Small world!   During my 4 years of active duty, I obtained the rank of Captain, and received the Bronze Star Medal and two Army Commendation Medals.

I left the military in 1972 for employment with theSanta RosaMedicalCenter,San Antonio,Texas, which, at that time was the largestCatholicMedicalCenterin theUSwith over 3,500 employees.  In 1985 I became Vice President and Administrator of theMedicalCenter.  In 1987 I became employed with Incarnate Word Health Services,San Antonio,Texas, a healthcare system consisting of 12 hospitals and 6,000+ employees located throughoutTexasandMissouri, where I remained until I retired in 1999.

Along the way I have two 47 year old twin daughters and six grand children, ages 17-29, all living in Hot SpringsArkansas.  Also, through a second marriage I have a 23 year old son, Bond, and a 19 year old daughter, Fay, both living at home and attending college here in San Antonio.  I do have a Facebook account for those of you that might be interested.  My e-mail is

I spent 10 years as a Coach in Little League Baseball while my son was young.  Now being retired I spend time both fishing and hunting, and am an avid sports fan.   Before my knees gave out I played a lot of golf.  I love to barbeque and am considered a good cook by most of my close friends.   I am also a great supporter of the Dallas Cowboys and the San Antonio Spurs.

Earlier this summer I had a stroke and lost the eyesight in my left eye.  A week later I had bypass surgery and have done well recovering at home.  The only person that I have maintained steady contact with since high school is my friend Buddy Bugg of Enid.  I look forward to seeing him and all of you that I have neglected to stay in touch with over the years.

God Bless you all.


Roger B. PembertonPemberton, Roger '10