2023 Reunion Update
- EHS CLASS 1960 REUNION– held on SEPT. 15-16, 2023
63rd Reunion — was planned and held on September 15-16, 2023. Reunion points of Contact were: Jovita Traynor Lang, Sharon Erickson Faulkner or Joyce Watkins Misner. They have reunion information! Almost 100 attended the various events.
Web page updated December 12, 2023.
- Reunion – People Planning to Attend- SEPT. 15-16 2023The EHS Class 60 reunion dates are 15-16 September 2023—-Contact Jovita Traynor Lang, Sharon Erickson Faulkner or Joyce Watkins Misner at email address below with suggestions. Can contact Sharon Erickson Faulkner at sfaulkner42@suddenlink.net, Jovita Traynor Lang at jlang42@suddenlink.net or Joyce Watkins Misner at rejoyse2001@yahoo.com with questions. This is a list of class members WHO INDICATED they ...