My 50 Year Journey
Mary Cole Schultz
The day after receiving my M.S. in Nursing at the University of Colorado in 1965, I rolled my Volkswagen 5 times at 65 mph outside of Denver. My sister Ruth and her friend Sally traveling behind me saw it all! The car was totaled. Even though I wore no seat belt, only the palm of my right hand got injured from embedded glass.
Released from the emergency room with my right hand wrapped like a boxing glove, I could have headed immediately to Enid with Ruth and Sally. I did not. My father asked me to wait; he wanted to drive me home. The previous year Connie Gibson who had ridden in my new VW to Denver and typed all my term papers allowed me to stay with her.
Before my father and I returned to Enid, he wanted to see my wrecked car. I regret, though, I went to see it. When I saw my flattened vehicle, I realized then that I should not have lived but died! In my weakened moment fear entered me with great force. I believed in the next accident that I would die!
Three years later in Oklahoma City a lady ran into my car as I – a public health nurse – was on my way to see a patient. I began to experience abdominal pain. For 6 months the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me; I believed him.
My husband’s job transfer to Columbus, Ohio, saved me. Upon arriving there, I was seriously ill. The internist gave me the terrible news that I had ulcerative colitis and needed a colostomy. I was terrified! I was only 26 and had been married only 2 years. I wept! The doctor had mercy. He said, “Let’s try the right medicine since you never got it.”
GOD was merciful! The next test 4 months later showed I had recovered. The doctor warned me, though, this would only betemporary and to expect setbacks.
For the next 7 years I struggled with the diagnosis and fear of a permanent setback. It was a move to San Antonio that changed the course of the illness and my life. My new, young internist – Dr. Dennis Murphree – had been out of medical school only a few years. I deeply cared about him and his future because I was changing spiritually.
Four years earlier my beloved Christian father had died unexpectedly with a heart attack. I was temporarily very angry with GOD! My dad had only retired 6 weeks and never got to experience his dreams.
Seeing my great sorrow, my caring husband gave me a small book entitled The Twenty-Third Psalm for Today compiled and illustrated by Royal V. Carley. The book was simple; it consisted of Bible verses. Now I began to study the Bible verses seriously. For every day growing up the Bible had been read at mealtime and bedtime. I had not really listened as I should, but now I did. GOD began to be real to me in a personal way!
I had experienced GOD one time in a trying ordeal at C.U.! I had one semester left before graduation. When I got my grades from the previous semester, I learned that my “A” in Epidemiology and my “A” in Psychology were now both “C’s”. To graduate with a Master’s I could have only 6 hours. I had met my quota!
I confronted the professors. One was on the main campus at Boulder and the other was at the Medical Center in Denver. Their answer was identical. “Your handwriting is not acceptable for a graduate student”.
I didn’t know what to do! I was caught. There was one thing I wouldn’t do! I would not call home and tell my father. He would say “Mary, come home and go to Bible College and become the missionary that you promised GOD”.
I decided to do what I saw my dad do daily – pray in the hall closet off my sister Millie and my bedroom. The master bedroom that I rented did not have a walk-in-closet. That week day I went to the First Christian Church that I attended and knelt at the back pew and cried my heart out to GOD with my problem. “If I stay and one more professor gives me a “C”, I won’t graduate. If I quit now, it is all over for me in getting my Master’s”. GOD gave me the answer, “Stay”.
These encounters – my father’s death, 2 car accidents, and an almost missed Master’s Degree – now had me concerned for this young physician and not me. My yearly colon exam was due in a few weeks – the middle of August. I began to pray that somehow I could share JESUS with him. To do my part I decided to eat one raw carrot stick and 1 raw celery stick daily. Ihadn’t done this before because of fear of a setback. Now I charged ahead although at times I wanted to quit! When I did, I turned to GOD for courage and strength.
I never dreamed it but the impossible happened! GOD restored my colon back to normal! So much so that the doctor confronted me, “You never had ulcerative colitis! Your colon is perfectly normal.”
I responded, “Yes I did! You can write Dr. Richard E. O’Brien, 363 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio. He will tell you thetruth!”
Even with this blessing, I still battled tiredness and fatigue. October 21, 1976 – 10 days before my 34th birthday – I asked GOD for strength to get out of bed to take care of our pets, our home, and myself. October 29th, 1976, HE granted my request.
On Tuesday, November 30th, 1976, my husband was dressing for work. As I adjusted his collar to cover his tie, I said, “Honey, GOD has healed me over and above what I asked. I want to be a writer for GOD and tell the world of HIS LOVE”. Although no one has ever bought one of my writings, I keep at it.
In March 2003, GOD laid on my heart to write a musical play. I have to admit at times I doubted HIS calling and put it aside. Yet, now I am almost finished with the rough draft of the play. Then, I’ll have to decide where to put the songs that HE has laid on my heart. There is still a lot of hard work, but I want to do HIS will!
My prayer, most of all, is that GOD the loving Heavenly FATHER is real to you. HE loves you. HIS SON died for your sins. Ask for forgiveness, accept JESUS as your SAVIOR and LORD, and receive eternal life. Heaven, then, will be your future home.
Looking forward to seeing you – my classmates
The LORD willing

Mary Cole Schultz
Perhaps, U are concerned about our nation’s future as I am. There is hope because of GOD! He has said, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.
2 Chronicles 7:14 – Bible (from “New International Version”)
Our country needs GOD’S healing! In the pledge of allegiance we say we are “one nation under GOD”. May our actions reflect our devotion to the almighty GOD and not evil.
B.S. University of Oklahoma. While there I was crowned Queen of the O.U. of School of Nursing.
M.S. University of Colorado. While there I served as Graduate Student Senator.
Assistant Professor in Public Health Nursing at the University of Oklahoma 1965-1967. While there I had an article published in Nursing Outlook.
Greatest Personal Achievement
The week of Thanksgiving 1974 my husband and I moved to Oaks
North Mobile Home Estates. From 1988-2002 I taught these children and youth about GOD’S love both at our home and church. The musical play is about this adventure that GOD allowed me to experience. It is the highlight of my life!
Thanks for taking the time to read of my experiences.
May GOD bless you in a special way today.