
Koozer, Donald E.

Koozer, Donald '60DONALD E.  KOOZER
It is not very original to say that the years have slipped by like a dream, but they have.  Though it is difficult to relate the inner details of my life, here are some of the surface events.
I had made no special plans that summer of 1960 after graduating from high school.  I didn’t want to be drafted and was considering enlisting when my mother offered to pay my tuition to Phillips University.  There I stayed and studied, working part time at Owens Supply Company, and graduated with a B.A. in 1965.  After several years spent working short periods from job to job, and also loafing, writing, and traveling a few months in Europe, I attended the University of Oklahoma from which I graduated with a Master’s Degree in 1975.  I met my wife, Donis Casey, at the University and we were married in Lubbock, Texas.  We worked two years in the Lubbock City-County Library and then took off for a year and travelled across Europe.  We returned to live a while in Tulsa and then Norman, finally settling in Arizona in about 1985.  We will celebrate our 36th anniversary in November of this year. 

We have worked over the years mostly in libraries, though we did own a small Irish-Scottish import shop for about ten years.  But a greater dream for both of us was in the field of writing.  Donis has had four novels published, all set in Oklahoma.  I have one book of poetry published by Bellowing Ark Press titled The Road.
We have made our home in Tempe, Arizona the past 25 years.  Though I have not lived in Oklahoma for a quarter century, I will always miss it, and it will always be home.
Koozer, Donald '10